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Harvest Time Church of God

"Serving God and Serving each other"

Pastor's Blog

Looking Ahead

Updated March 8, 2022

We're excited about what God is doing at Harvest Time. We have gotten our second wind and are pressing onward.

God has been very gracious to us as a church body. Looking forward to all of our people returning and praising God

together under one roof.


Many of you are experiencing new things, new ways to deal, stress, frustration, and maybe even some anger here and there. Know that God is still on the throne and now is a great time to connect with Him and trust Him. He will see you through.

Harvest Blessings

This past weekend we had an opportunity to celebrate the Risen Christ. Our resurrection service was an awesome event. Let me back up a moment to Sat, April 20. We had a Light The Night Glow Egg Hunt. Last year we only had 10 kids to come and hunt eggs but this year we did more advertisement and we had 70 kids plus parents we came out with around 140-150 people. Exciting times! I challenged the church that if they brought in 140 people on Resurrection Sunday I would let them cut off my tie. Our attendance was a bit lower than expected but we still had 92 and a great service over all. 

We have started a Van ministry now and also a Youth Choir so we are reaching out beyond our walls and into the community more and more. Hoping everyone will catch the Vision that God has for us and move forward.

We are a blessed people

It's hard sometimes to realize how blessed we are when awe are going through so much in our lives. Hurricane Harvey came at us with a fury. Homes were lost, lives were lost, and for some, even hope was lost. Sorting through the rubbish can be a daunting task some days, but God has a way of bringing us all together again. Entering into our 6 month post Harvey, we are rebuilding our homes, rebuilding our lives, and our church along with some other churches around are working to restore hope. So whatever your dealing with on a daily basis just remember there is still hope, And His name is Jesus.

Now What

Easter has ended, Now what? The commission of the church is still to go and preach the gospel. Teaching them to observe all things that Christ has taught us to do. We're not finished here on earth until we are raptured away. So keep on keeping on and don't lose heart or focus.




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